Historic New York Blog News
Historic New York Blog News
Historic New York & The Set NYC Help Child Trafficking At The Chelsea Fashion & Film Festival
Historic New York & The Set NYC Help Child Trafficking At The Chelsea Fashion & Film Festival

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Last Fall Historic New York participated in the Chelsea Fashion & Film Festival. Not only did we showcase our latest Fall/Winter 2017 Collection and sneak peak of our upcoming Spring/Summer 2018 Collection, but we were also supporting a wonderful cause.
With the help of The Set NYC we hit the runway to help end child trafficking. Who said fashion is just a form of expression? Our dresses and designs helped to pave the way for a more free, just world. We are proud of this charity event.
During the event we unveiled our Spring/Summer 2018 designs publicly for the first time. Our youthful, feminine and floral designs shined in the light - Literally! They are the perfect compliment for the working woman in formal and casual environments. Enjoy your next occasion the Historic New York way.
Take a closer look. Watch our dresses in action on the runway:
Together we accomplished something amazing. Thank you for supporting us and allowing us to make this happen. We'd also like to thank The Set NYC for their dedicated to the cause. Don't want to miss events like these? Follow us on FaceBook for notifications about future events and subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch our progress unfold. Receive even more Historic New York news by subscribing to our free, digital to our newsletter today.

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Last Fall Historic New York participated in the Chelsea Fashion & Film Festival. Not only did we showcase our latest Fall/Winter 2017 Collection and sneak peak of our upcoming Spring/Summer 2018 Collection, but we were also supporting a wonderful cause.
With the help of The Set NYC we hit the runway to help end child trafficking. Who said fashion is just a form of expression? Our dresses and designs helped to pave the way for a more free, just world. We are proud of this charity event.
During the event we unveiled our Spring/Summer 2018 designs publicly for the first time. Our youthful, feminine and floral designs shined in the light - Literally! They are the perfect compliment for the working woman in formal and casual environments. Enjoy your next occasion the Historic New York way.
Take a closer look. Watch our dresses in action on the runway:
Together we accomplished something amazing. Thank you for supporting us and allowing us to make this happen. We'd also like to thank The Set NYC for their dedicated to the cause. Don't want to miss events like these? Follow us on FaceBook for notifications about future events and subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch our progress unfold. Receive even more Historic New York news by subscribing to our free, digital to our newsletter today.