Historic New York Blog News
Historic New York Blog News
Summer Vibes Await: Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox Collections
Summer Vibes Await: Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox Collections
Historic New York just unleashed their full Spring/Summer 2017 collections Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox and we're loving them. Flaunting the hallmark stylish and historical vibe with dresses inspired by Greece, Ethiopia and the Mediterranean sea, this season is a breath of fresh air.
Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox each have their own unique style and stories. Bohemian, tribal, sea, floral, mirror and even piano inspired design awaits.
Lalibela's style is inspired by the Neolithic, Mesolithic, Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic eras. This Stone Age Ethiopian collection features bohemian, hand-crochet and tribal design.
Lefkada is inspired by the history of Greece and surrounding areas like the Mediterranean Ocean. Many of these gorgeous dresses are inspired by ocean waves, ripples and rich, textured coral surfaces.
Orthodox is a very feminine collection featuring intricate designs. Patterns cover these knee length, predominately white ensembles. Despite their detail they are elegant and embrace your figure.
My personal favorite? The gorgeous Plume Dress from Lalibela! This blue beauty has a mesmerizing feather print immersing the figure. With stunning contrast, leather trim and soft material how could you resist it? It's so elegant and yet so casual.
Aside from this flawless beauty I adore the confident Wave In Ocean Dress from the Lefkada Collection. This bold dress is available in blue and pink and moves like ocean ripples. You can see yourself strutting down the beach already.
Comfortable and unique, this dress has summer vibes and a cool appearance. The color transitions, different textures and skirt flow makes this ensemble as exciting as the tropics.
Japanese style delivered here in the USA. Hands down the Patchwork Circle Dress catches my attention. Not only is it made from high quality Japanese material, but it possesses a futuristic style. Mixing the contemporary with the detailed. The abstract with the simple. Plus its design and fitting really complements the physique!
Take in what every collection has to offer. From their stories to their designs and their materials. Each is an adventure waiting to be embarked.
p.s. - Historic New York has a special, limited time offer! Save 20% off your order with the promo code "HCNY20."
Historic New York just unleashed their full Spring/Summer 2017 collections Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox and we're loving them. Flaunting the hallmark stylish and historical vibe with dresses inspired by Greece, Ethiopia and the Mediterranean sea, this season is a breath of fresh air.
Lalibela, Lefkada and Orthodox each have their own unique style and stories. Bohemian, tribal, sea, floral, mirror and even piano inspired design awaits.
Lalibela's style is inspired by the Neolithic, Mesolithic, Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic eras. This Stone Age Ethiopian collection features bohemian, hand-crochet and tribal design.
Lefkada is inspired by the history of Greece and surrounding areas like the Mediterranean Ocean. Many of these gorgeous dresses are inspired by ocean waves, ripples and rich, textured coral surfaces.
Orthodox is a very feminine collection featuring intricate designs. Patterns cover these knee length, predominately white ensembles. Despite their detail they are elegant and embrace your figure.
My personal favorite? The gorgeous Plume Dress from Lalibela! This blue beauty has a mesmerizing feather print immersing the figure. With stunning contrast, leather trim and soft material how could you resist it? It's so elegant and yet so casual.
Aside from this flawless beauty I adore the confident Wave In Ocean Dress from the Lefkada Collection. This bold dress is available in blue and pink and moves like ocean ripples. You can see yourself strutting down the beach already.
Comfortable and unique, this dress has summer vibes and a cool appearance. The color transitions, different textures and skirt flow makes this ensemble as exciting as the tropics.
Japanese style delivered here in the USA. Hands down the Patchwork Circle Dress catches my attention. Not only is it made from high quality Japanese material, but it possesses a futuristic style. Mixing the contemporary with the detailed. The abstract with the simple. Plus its design and fitting really complements the physique!
Take in what every collection has to offer. From their stories to their designs and their materials. Each is an adventure waiting to be embarked.
p.s. - Historic New York has a special, limited time offer! Save 20% off your order with the promo code "HCNY20."
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